“Poverty doesn’t choose you, it’s you who choose it”

   Every human being on earth has some unique characteristics that set him apart from the rest of the crowd.  You just need to identify those potential areas and start working on it.

  Instead of blaming your fate and that of other people, you should realize your role in the process of creating yourself.  You are the only writer, director and actor in your life, so ultimately it is up to you to decide what role you are going to play and what personality you want to be.

  I firmly believe that being poor is not an excuse to run away from one’s ambitions and further downgrade one’s lifestyle.  If you are ready to work hard and have consistency and discipline, no one will take away what you deserve.

If you are 18-30 years old, unemployed and poor then it is a matter of shame for you.  Remember that you have only chosen to be poor and poverty itself has not chosen you.

– Kartik Mishra

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